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Fyrilestur: Drone-based monitoring of seabirds – new knowledge on the secret life of Fulmars & other seabirds

Staðsetingardepilin skipar fyri almennum fyrilestri. Johan H. Funder Castenschiold er innskrivaður á PhD-skeiði á Aarhus Universiteti, og granskar havhest í samstarvi við Umhvørvisstovuna.
Johan fer at greiða frá um, hvussu hann nýtur dronu og GPS til at granska havhest í Føroyum.

Nær: Mikudagin 27. september 2023, kl. 16 – 17
Hvar: Náttúruvísindadeildin, Sjóvinnuhúsið, Vestara Bryggja 15, hølið 511.

Niðanfyri myndina sæst ein lýsing av framløguni.

In this talk I will talk about my current PhD work regarding how to use a new and emerging technique to improve our knowledge and understanding of selected Faroese seabird populations.

Motivation and backgroundRemote sensing and seabirds

Seabird colonies across the Faroese archipelago are most often located with a topography characterized by challenging, near vertical or steeply sloped surfaces, which restricts access and makes close up explorations difficult. However, understanding the dynamics of these sites is important, as they contribute with at times pockets of unique and self-sustainable ecosystems, which is poorly explored. To this end, surveying with drones presents a key tool by enabling acquirement of photographic snapshots, which are easily repeatable over time. Through my PhD work I am poking into the novel potentials for drones to assist in monitoring of seabird populations nesting in the challenging and rugged terrains in the Faroes.

Investigations and field workMy explorations have so far been centered at establishing suitable and broadly usable guidelines for performance of reliable and ethical drone-based monitoring of seabirds in the Faroes. Secondly, I have explored several new approaches and methods by which drones can be employed for this type of surveying as a valuable asset for future seabird monitoring. The main focus species of the study is northern fulmar, one of the dominating species breeding on vertical cliffs and a good model species on which to test my survey techniques.

What is it all about?

During the session I will discuss central parts of my PhD project and some of the experiences, surprises and challenges I have encountered so far, including reconstruction of 3D models, counting techniques and AI assisted detection (YOLO).

G.G. Fyrilesturin verður á enskum.

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