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Dálkingarevni í spillivatni í fýra arktiskum býum – er spillivatnsviðgerðin nøktandi?

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A common goal for the management of sewage and other kinds of surplus or waste material from a municipality is to keep a clean and healthy environment. In coastal areas relying heavily on harvest from the seas, like those areas participating in the present project and which may be described as a part of Nordic arctic areas, it is natural that the marine environment is in particular focus. Earlier surveys and visual inspection has indicated that in certain areas of the municipalities in these regions, the environmental status may not meet the goal. One important source of pollutants to the sea is the wastewater discharged. In the areas taking part in this project, the wastewater treatment may be pretty well up-to date or more or less non-existent, Figure 1. However, as the populations grow and the nature of the wastewater changes- not least with regard to the high and increasing content of pharmaceuticals and personal care products- the assumption that the recipient may be regarded as unaffected may be wrong. The project brings together representatives from bodies responsible for wastewater treatment and expertise in environmental pollution issues in cities from the northern part of Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland and Greenland. This group served as a forum for knowhow exchange and steered the project, which aimed to describe to what extent the present level of wastewater treatment is sufficient to protect the marine environment in the vicinity of the cities/villages. For this end, analyses of samples from the recipients at various distances from the discharge points and at various seasons were carried out. The analytes chosen may be seen as indicator pollutants typically stemming from households, public services including hospitals and small-scale industry. The indicators chosen represent man-made and ecotoxicologically relevant chemicals, e.g. surfactants stemming from for instance household detergents, phthalates used as plasticisers, and PAHs arising from transportation and heating. The report comprises as part II an assessments of options for improved wastewater treatment for selected wastewater treatment sites. In order to concretise the discussion in terms of which kind of purification step that needs to be implemented, the assessment was based on a selection of sample pollutant groups. The selections were partly based of the findings of the first part of the report, and partly on recent analyses in comparable wastewater treatment plants. The results of the part II assessment are meant to form the basis for more in-depth discussions of possible abatements solutions. The aim is that these will be a starting point in connection with future updates of the wastewater treatment systems.

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